Min Stack - Interview Bit Solution, Problem is based on Stack Data Structure
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Hi Devs, Happy Coding
Today, I will be solving a problem titled Min Stack which is based on Stack Data Structure.
Difficulty Level - Medium Asked In:
Understanding The Problem
Problem Description
Design a stack that supports push, pop, top, and retrieving the minimum element in constant time.
- push(x) – Push element
onto the stack.- pop() – Removes the element on top of the stack.
- top() – Get the top element.
- getMin() – Retrieve the minimum element in the stack.
Problem Note
All the operations above mentioned have to be constant time (O(1)
) operations.
As we read the problem description we are not clear about a few cases. So we should ask the Interviewer about those cases.
Here we can ask the following questions Q: What should getMin() do on an empty stack? A: In this case, return -1.
Q: What should pop do on an empty stack? A: In this case, nothing.
Q: What should top() do on an empty stack? A: In this case, return -1
Consider the following stack that we want
4 --> TOP
When getMin() is called it should return 2,
which is the minimum element in the current stack.
If we do pop two times on stack, the stack becomes
5 --> TOP
When getMin() is called, it should return 3
which is the minimum in the current stack.
- Brute Force Solution - We can use two stack one for storing out main stack
and other auxiliary stack for storingmin_value
. Our push and pop operations should be in such a way that minimum value in stack should be always at the top ofmin_stack
. - We will try to optimise the space complexity using single stack.
Brute Force Solution -
We have two stack main_stack
and min_stack
as discussed above. Our push, pop, getMin and top operations will be following .
push(x) - we will directly push the x
in main_stack
. our new minimum_value will be new_min = min(x, min_stack.top())
so now push the new_min
in min_stack
. Both push are C++ standard template library methods in stack container and we know both have O(1)
time complexity. So overall push will be also of O(1)
time complexity.
Pop() - if stack is empty then do nothing. else pop the top element from main_stack
as well as min_stack
. Both pop methods are from c++ stl and both have O(1)
time complexity so overall complexity will be of O(1)
as well.
top() - if main_stack
is empty then return -1 else return main_stack.top()
. top method also has time complexity of O(1)
getMin()- if min_stack
is empty then return -1 else return min_stack.top()
. This top will also have time complexity of O(1)
Explanation with Our Example
When we push 3, both stacks change to the following.
Main Stack Min Stack
3 -> Top 3->Top
When 5 is pushed, both stacks change to the following.
Main Stack Min Stack
4 -> Top 3->Top
3 3
if we apply the top method then it will return 4 which is the correct solution.
if we apply the getMin method then the top of the Min stack will be returned which is 3.
if we apply the pop method then we will pop 4 from the main stack and two update min stack we will also pop 3 so new stacks will be
Main Stack Min Stack
3 -> Top 3->Top
Brute Force Solution Complexity Analysis
- Time Complexity- we have
time complexity for all push, pop, top and getMin methods. - Space Complexity - we are using the extra auxiliary stack for storing minimum value. Our space complexity is
Optimised Solution
In this approach, we will be solving the problem in 0(1)
space complexity. Instead of storing min values in the stack, we will try to use a single value variable Min_value which will store the current minimum value in the stack.
In this approach critical part will be when we pop a value and that value is itself current Min_value
then How to get the next Min_value
How we are going handle this ?
To handle this, we push 2*x – Min_value
into the stack instead of x
so that the previous minimum element can be retrieved using the current Min_value
and its value stored in the stack.
So Our operations push, pop,getMin, and top are implemented as follows.
- If stack is empty, insert
into the stack and make Min_value equal tox
. - if
is less than Min_value then insert(2*x- Min_value)
into stack and updateMin_value
equal tox
. - if
then insertx
into stack. Example: let's assume we have minimum value in stack till now as 3 and now want to insert 1 then we will insert(2*1 -3)
in the stack and makeMin_value = 1
Pop () pop the top element and Let the popped element be y then our critical case might occur.
- if
then our Min_value will remain Min_Value. Because the popped element is not less than Min_Value. - But if
y< Min_value
then it is the case when we are removing the current minimum element of the stack. So we need to find out the next Min_value. andMin_value = 2*y - Min_value
Can anyone guess why we used
Min_value =2*y -Min_value
? Write in Comment Section (Writer’s 1st Question to you)
- if stack is empty return -1.
- Let
z = stack.top()
, Ifz>= Min_value
then return z. It will be original top. - If
then return Min_value .Anyone Want to guess ? Let me know in comment Section
(Writer’s 2nd Question).
getMin- if the stack is empty then return -1 else It is simply the Min_value.
Complete Code
stack<int> s;
int mini;
MinStack::MinStack() {
s = stack<int>();
void MinStack::push(int x) {
mini = x;
mini = x;
void MinStack::pop() {
mini = 2*mini - s.top();
int MinStack::top() {
if(s.empty()) {
return -1;
if(s.top() >=mini){
return s.top();
return mini;
int MinStack::getMin() {
return -1;
return mini;
Answer to Questions that I asked and Why our logic works.
When the element to be inserted is less than Min_value, we inserted 2x – Min_value
. The important thing to note here is that 2x – Min_Value
will always be less than x(which will become the next Min_value) Because
How 2*x - Min_value is less than x in push()?
x < Min_value which means x - Min_value < 0
// Adding x on both sides
x - Min_value + x < 0 + x
2*x - Min_value < x
So we can say that 2*x - Min_value < new Min_value
So when we pop out elements and we get a top value less than Min_value then It is clear that We are popping out Min_value. So we need to update our Min_value. How it is calculated is explained below.
How previous minimum element, prev_Min_Value is 2*minEle - y
in pop() when y the popped element?
because when we pushed y =(2*x-prev_Min_Value) here prev_Min_Value is the minimum element before we inserted y. and here x is an original value that we received to insert.
and after insert, we set Min_value = x.
our equation will be y = 2*Min_Value - prev_Min_Value
which leads us to get prev_Min_Value as 2*Min_value - y (y is the value we just popped out)
Hope you find it Relevant. If you face any issues while understanding and have any feedback then the comment box is all yours. Cheers